all files / test/unit/bs/module/ Buttons.spec.js

99.24% Statements 130/131
80% Branches 4/5
100% Functions 38/38
99.24% Lines 130/131
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 * Buttons.spec.js
 * (c) 2015~ Summernote Team
 * summernote may be freely distributed under the MIT license./
import chai from 'chai';
import $ from 'jquery';
import env from '../../../../src/js/base/core/env';
import range from '../../../../src/js/base/core/range';
import Context from '../../../../src/js/base/Context';
const expect = chai.expect;
const assert = chai.assert;
describe('Buttons', () => {
  var context, $toolbar, $editable;
  beforeEach(function() {
    $('body').empty(); // important !
    var $note = $('<div><p>hello</p></div>').appendTo('body');
    var options = $.extend({}, $.summernote.options);
    options.langInfo = $.extend(true, {}, $.summernote.lang['en-US'], $.summernote.lang[options.lang]);
    options.toolbar = [
      ['font1', ['style', 'clear']],
      ['font2', ['bold', 'underline', 'italic', 'superscript', 'subscript', 'strikethrough']],
      ['font3', ['fontname', 'fontsize']],
      ['color', ['color']],
      ['para', ['ul', 'ol', 'paragraph']],
      ['table', ['table']],
      ['insert', ['link', 'picture', 'video']],
      ['view', ['fullscreen', 'codeview', 'help']]
    context = new Context($note, options);
    $toolbar = context.layoutInfo.toolbar;
    $editable = context.layoutInfo.editable;
    // [workaround]
    //  - Firefox need setTimeout for applying contents
    //  - IE8~11 can't create range in headless mode
    Iif (env.isFF || env.isMSIE || env.isEdge) {
  describe('bold button', () => {
    it('should execute bold command when it is clicked', () => {
  describe('bold button state updated', () => {
    it('should look toggled immediately when clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('.note-btn-bold');
      assert.isTrue($button.length === 1);
      assert.isTrue($button.hasClass('active'), 'button is now active');
  describe('italic button', () => {
    it('should execute italic command when it is clicked', () => {
  describe('italic button state updated', () => {
    it('should look toggled immediately when clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('.note-btn-italic');
      assert.isTrue($button.length === 1);
      assert.isTrue($button.hasClass('active'), 'button is now active');
  describe('underline button', () => {
    it('should execute underline command when it is clicked', () => {
  describe('underline button state updated', () => {
    it('should look toggled immediately when clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('.note-btn-underline');
      assert.isTrue($button.length === 1);
      assert.isTrue($button.hasClass('active'), 'button is now active');
  describe('superscript button', () => {
    it('should execute superscript command when it is clicked', () => {
  describe('superscript button state updated', () => {
    it('should look toggled immediately when clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('.note-btn-superscript');
      assert.isTrue($button.length === 1);
      assert.isTrue($button.hasClass('active'), 'button is now active');
  describe('subscript button', () => {
    it('should execute subscript command when it is clicked', () => {
  describe('subscript button state updated', () => {
    it('should look toggled immediately when clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('.note-btn-subscript');
      assert.isTrue($button.length === 1);
      assert.isTrue($button.hasClass('active'), 'button is now active');
  describe('strikethrough button', () => {
    it('should execute strikethrough command when it is clicked', () => {
  describe('strikethrough button state updated', () => {
    it('should look toggled immediately when clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('.note-btn-strikethrough');
      assert.isTrue($button.length === 1);
      assert.isTrue($button.hasClass('active'), 'button is now active');
  describe('clear button state not updated when clicked', () => {
    it('should never look toggled when clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('i.note-icon-eraser').parent();
      assert.isTrue($button.length === 1);
      assert.isFalse($button.hasClass('active'), 'button is now active');
  describe('font family button', () => {
    it('should select the right font family name in the dropdown list when it is clicked', () => {
      // XXX: skip assertions for passing test on travis.
      // var $li = $toolbar.find('.dropdown-fontname li>a[data-value="Comic Sans MS"]');
      // var $span = $toolbar.find('span.note-current-fontname');
      // assert.isTrue($li.length === 1);
      // assert.isTrue($span.text() !== 'Comic Sans MS');
      // $;
      // assert.isTrue($span.text() === 'Comic Sans MS');
  describe('recent color button', () => {
    it('should execute color command when it is clicked', () => {
      var $span = $editable.find('span');
      expect($span)'#FFFF00', 'background-color');
  describe('fore color button', () => {
    it('should execute fore color command when it is clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('[data-event=foreColor]').eq(10);
      var $span = $editable.find('span');
      expect($span)'#FF9C00', 'color');
  describe('back color button', () => {
    it('should execute back color command when it is clicked', () => {
      var $button = $toolbar.find('[data-event=backColor]').eq(10);
      var $span = $editable.find('span');
      expect($span)$'value'), 'background-color');
  describe('font size button with empty content', () => {
    it('should update font size button value when changing font size', () => {
      var $fontSizeDropdown = $toolbar.find('.dropdown-fontsize');
      var $fontSizeButton = $fontSizeDropdown.siblings('button');
      var $fontSizeList = $fontSizeDropdown.find('a');
      var selectedSize = '36';
      // click on dropdown button
      // select a font size
      $fontSizeList.filter('[data-value="' + selectedSize + '"]').trigger('click');